Somewhere in Mid-hyper Space is Where She Left Her Rabbit

Somewhere in Mid-hyper Space is Where She Left Her Rabbit (2019)

Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, Saskatoon, SK.

Lauren Warrington


Somewhere in Mid-hyperspace is Where She Left Her Rabbit was my BFA thesis exhibition. This exhibition developed from my observations surrounding identity and human interaction within virtual and physical spaces. I am interested in how the identities we self construct in virtual reality influence the way our identities take form in physical reality. With the omnipresence of the Internet and the social platforms it enables, relationships are no longer built on purely tangible interactions. Virtual spaces enable contemporary culture to construct idealized models of reality in relation to all aspects of life. Culture has becoming reliant on these models to the point where connection with what once preceded the model, no longer exists; what is left is merely an imitation of the real. With a fundamental shift in the perception of reality, virtual and physical realties are merging, slowly becoming synonymous; this hybrid space is known as hyper reality.

Selected works in this thesis exhibition include Somewhere in Mid-hyperspace and Root Rabbits